Scientific cultivation of sponge gourd by agrostudi


Scientific cultivation of sponge gourd by agrostudi 

Kharif Crop/Mid:- May to July

High sponge gourd production state:- up, Panjab, Bihar, jharkhand, Gujarat, Hariyana, Delhi 

Botanical name:- Luffa Aegyptiaca 


Also read

Vermicompost process by agrostudi 

Temperature is required for cultivation of sponge gourd 

25-28 c'

Requirement of Soil in sponge gourd cultivation:- 

Sandy loam soil. The pH value of soil ranges from 6.5-7.0 or neutral to slightly alkaline soil is good for plantation.

Following few most popular varieties of sponge gourd  cultivation 

1. PSG-9: 

The variety is developed in 2005.

2. Pusa Chikni: 

This variety contains dark green color leaves,

3. Azad Toria-2: 

It is recommended to grow in Punjab, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Bihar, and Tarai region of U.P.

4. Pusa Sneha: 

The variety is developed in 2004 by Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) Harvesting is mainly after 45-50 days of sowing.

Seed rate:

Use seed rate of 2.0 kg/acre.


Sow two seeds per hill which is 3m wide and use spacing of 75-90cm between seeds.

Method of sowing Use in sponge gourd  cultivation 

Dibbling method is used.

Fertilizer requirements of sponge gourd cultivation:- 

FYM 20tons/h, NPK 25-35-30kg/h

Irrigation methods use :- 

1. In summer or dry condition, apply irrigation with the interval of 7-10 days

2. First irrigation must be done immediately after seed sowing. 

3. In total crop requires 7-8 numbers of irrigations.

Following types of  sponge gourd Disease and their control 

1. Powdery mildew: 

The symptoms are appearance of white powdery spots on upper surface of leaves which causes leaf withering.

Treatment: Treatment must be given in start of hot and humid summer season. Application of M-45@2gm in 1ltr of water will help to cure powdery mildew. It can also be controlled by fungicidal sprays of Chlorothalonil, benomyl or dinocap.

Following types of sponge Gourd Pest and their control:

1. Beetles: The symptoms are damage to flowers, leaves and stems.

Treatment: Appropriate insecticidal spray will help to cure pests.

2. Aphid and Thrips: They suck the sap from the leaves resulting in yellowing and drooping of leaves. Thrips results in curling of leaves, leaves become cup shaped or curved upward.

If infestation is observed in field, To control spray the crop with Thiamethoxam@5gm/15Ltr of water.

Harvesting :- Crops are ready for harvesting after 70-80 days of sowing.

Yield : It gives an average yield of 66-83 qtl per acre.


Pollination done by Honey Bee agrostudi

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