All Crops Botanical Name and family name with agrostudi

This article help to learn all crops botanical/scientific name by agrostudi 

A botanical name is a formal scientific name conforming to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants 

cereal crops, pulse crops, fibre crops, oilseed crops, all vegetables crops, all horticulture fruits, ornaments/ flowers crops,etc.

Cereals Crops Botanical name agrostudi 

Cereals Crop Botanical name agrostudi

Cereals Crop Botanical

Common Name Botanical Name
Rice Oryza sativa
Maize Zea mays
Wheat Triticum aestivum
Sorghum Sorghum Bicolar
Barley Hordeum vulgare
Rye Secale cereale
Finger Millet Eleusine coracana
Oat Avena sativa
Proso Millet Panicum miliaceaum
Pearl Millet Pennisetum glaucum

Pulses Crop Botanical name agrostudi 

Pulses Crop Botanical name agrostudi


Pulse Crop Botanical name

Commen Name Botanical Name
Pea Pisum sativum
Chickpea Cicer arietinum
Pigeon pea Cajanus cajan
Cowpea Vigna unguiculata
Grass pea Lathyrus sativus
Green gram Phaseolus aurens
Black gram Phaseolus mung
Horse gram Dolichus biflorus
Lentil Lens culinaris
Beans Phaseolus vulgaris
Indian bean Dolichos lab-lab
Moth bean Vigna aconitifolia

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