Saptkrishi helps farmer's to keep their vegetables fresh upto 30 days

Meet 25 years old entrepreneur Nikky jha and his sister Rashmi jha rejected by sark thank india but ?: agrostudi 

As soon as the summer comes, the temperature becomes high and the fruits and vegetables kept in the houses start getting spoiled.
This problem is not only of the households but also of the farmers because if the Horticulture crops grown by them do not reach the customer at the right time, 
then they start getting spoiled.And due to this the farmers have to bear the loss.

Some fruits and vegetables are of such a type that spoils quickly 

India is the world's largest producer of fruits and vegetables, every year about 30-40% of fruits and vegetables get wasted in India because of their lack of proper storage facility 

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Due to this problem Bhagalpur AGRITECH Startup Saptkrishi, Nikky jha and his sister Rashmi jha's device subjikothi is a device to solve this problem, 
in which the self life of fruit and vegetables increases from 3 to 30 days, without resorting to any refrigeration, it looks like a tent. The device use in defferent type of variants like, pushcars, auto rickshaw and local vendors 

The technology works 

this IoT-enabled storage device requires is 10 watts of electricity and a litre of water per day

Its controlled microclimate created inside the insulated chamber inhibits pathogen growth, delays browning and ripening, inhibits ethylene biosynthesis which is responsible for perishability, oxidizes ethylene into small molecules, and regulates the activity of antioxidant enzymes.

Not only are fruits and vegetables safe in this, but the nutrients of fruits and vegetables also remain in it.without resorting to any refrigeration  

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