17 essential nutrients for plants growth and their functions by agrostudi



There is 17 Essential Nutrients for plants growth are oxygen, carbon,hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, chloride, iron, boron,calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum and nickel.

Table of contents 

Following 17 Essential Nutrients for plants growth by agrostudi 

  1. Carbon
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Oxygen
  4. Nitrogen
  5. Phosphorus
  6. Potassium
  7. Calcium
  8. Magnesium
  9. Sulphur
  10. Boron
  11. Copper
  12. Iron
  13. Manganese
  14. Molybdenum
  15. Zinc
  16. Chlorine

Macronutrients in plant growth 

The macronutrients for plants growth are following

(NPK) Nitrogen(N), Phosphorus(P), Potassium(K)

Functions of NPK in plant growth 

Nitrogen: It is required by plants in large amounts. It is taken in the form of ions from the soil. It is required for the division of cells. It is the major constituent of proteins, vitamins, hormones etc.

Phosphorus: It is a constituent of cell membranes, proteins, and nucleic acids and is required for certain important reactions.

Potassium: It is a mineral that is required in the growing parts of the plants in large amounts. It is also required for the opening and closing of stomata. It helps in the activation of enzymes and helps in maintaining the turgidity of the cell.

Secondary nutrition

Magnesium(Mg),Sulfer(S),and Calcium(Ca)

are Essential Plant Nutrients. 

They are called “secondary” nutrients because plants require them in smaller quantities than (NPK) nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 

Functions of Secondary Nutrition in plant growth

Calcium: It is required during cell division and in the normal functioning of the cell membrane. Metabolic activities are also regulated by this mineral.

Magnesium: It is involved in the activation of enzymes in respiration and photosynthesis and helps in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. It is also an important constituent of ribosomes and helps in maintaining the structure of the ribosome.

Sulfur: It is an important constituent of amino acids, coenzymes, and vitamins

Micronutrients in plant growth 

The Micronutrients for plants growth are following

Boran (B), Chlorine(Cl), Manganese(Mn), iron(Fe), Nikel(Ni), Copper(Cu), Zinc(Zn), Molybdenum(Mo) 

Non Mineral Nutrients

The Non-Mineral Nutrients are hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), & carbon (C). These nutrients are found in the air and water 

17 essential nutrients for plants growth and their symbols

Nutrients Symbols
Carbon C
Hydrozen H
Oxygen O2
Nitrogen N
Phosphorus P
Potassium K
Calcium Ca
Magnesium Mg
Sulphur S
Boron B
Copper Cu
Iron Fe
Manganese M
Molybdenum Mo
Zinc Zn
Chlorine Cl

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