Banana peel fertilizer, easy ways to make at home, benifits & use

A banana plant with fruits and big leaf
Banana peel fertilizer easy to make 

If you find organic potassium fertilizer for your plants then your in a write pleace I will share my experience to make and use of banana peel fertilizer so first an question in your head what is banana peel fertilizer here is discretion about banana peel fertilizer

Table of contents 

  1. Banana peels fertilizer contain
  2. Easy ways to make banana Peel fertilizer at home
  3. Banana peel fertilizer benifits 
  4. How to use Banana feel fertilizer in plants 

Banana peel has excellent source of potassium and organic manure, banana peel fertilizer easy to make and use it is natural and cost effective solution for your plants and garden 

Banana peels fertilizer contain: calcium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, 

  • calcium, which promotes root growth helps add oxygen to your soil
  • magnesium, which assists with photosynthesis 
  • sulphur, which helps plants develop strong roots and repel pests 
  • phosphorus, which improves fruiting and flowering and assists with pollination and seed germination and viability
  • potassium, which improves general plant vigour, including building resistance to pests and diseases and assists with fruit development

Easy ways to make banana Peel fertilizer at home 

1. Liquid Banana Peel Fertilizer


  • Place banana peels in a jar. Be careful not to overload the jar.
  • Fill the jar with water and close the lid.
  • Let banana peels soak for about a week. Once they’re done soaking, remove the peels. Compost your banana peels, or reuse them using another method below!
  • Use the fertilizer to water the base of your plants. It may take a week or two to start seeing results, so be patient!

2. Dried Banana Peel Fertilizer


  • Cut banana peels into small pieces, about one an half inch wide.
  • Dry banana peel pieces. Lay them directly in the sun, or use an oven. If using an oven, keep it at a low temperature with the door ajar.
  • Bury dried banana peels in the soil around your plant’s roots.

Banana peel fertilizer benifits 

How to use Banana feel fertilizer in plants 

  • It contains rich source of potassium so you can use when you plant in a stage of flowering and fruiting, 
  • Banana peel not content of nitrogen so you can use only flowering and fruiting time,
  • Banana peel are filled with essential nutrients that can feed the soil and encourage strong plant growth

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